Staff have compiled a list of resources for you to use:
Mental Health
- If you are wondering how to talk to your children about COVID-19 or how to manage stress and anxiety at this time, check out this link from CAMH
- Distress Centres has provided 24-hour telephone support
- 211 Community and Social Services (Much more than just Mental Health)
- How to protect your Mental Health
- Want to be emotionally resilient?
- How your diet affects your mental health
Child, Youth and Family Mental Health Support:
- Lumenus Community Services (0-26)
- George Hull Centre for Children & Families (0-18)
- Kids Help Phone (0-20)
- LGBT YouthLine: peer support and leadership opportunities
Settlement Services
- Polycultural Immigrant & Community Services
- The Neighbourhood Group Community Services
Expecting & New Parents
- Pandemic Pregnancy Guide
- Dr. Jack Newman (breastfeeding advocate)
- Parenting Breastfeeding
- Best Start: Ontario's Maternal Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre
- Ontario Prenatal Education
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (patient resources)
- Canadian Pediatric Society
- Hospital for Sick Kids
- Pregnancy to Parenting
- Rourke Baby Record
- Build Your Best Day
Families and Kids Activities & Resources
Kids and their families can listen to a story by phone any time of day for FREE by calling the library's Dial-A-Story service at 416-395-5400. Dial-a-Story is available in 16 languages.
- Best Start: Ontario's Maternal Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre
- Scholastic Learn at Home
- Storyline Online
- TVOKids
- Highlights Kids
- Story Place: The Children's Digital Learning Library
- CBC Kids
- Fun and Free Educational Websites for Kids
- Caring for Kids
- Play & Learn Engaging activities that help your child learn, grow and thrive
- Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) has prepared a Back-to-School Mental Health Kit
- Return to School FAQ prepared by Ontario Health
Food Delivery
- Orders and deliveries from FoodShare can be made by calling 416-363-6441 x275 for Good Food Boxes. Delivery fee is minimal. For box descriptions, please visit their website.
- Online grocery delivery options
- More Grocery Delivery Resources
Nutrition & Food Tips
- Meal Planning and Budgeting
- Grocery Shopping and Healthy Eating During Covid-19
- Dietitians of Canada
- What to stock in your fridge and pantry
- How to stock your pantry
- Budget Bytes recipes, meal prep and meal plans
- Online cookbook called “Good and Cheap” that uses pantry items
- Dietitian's Coronavirus COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Grocery Shopping, Take-Out & Food Delivery
- The Low Cost Cook Book (delicious & minimal equipment recipes)
Physical Activity, Dance and Care for the Body
- Fitness Blender: free workout videos
- Pop Sugar Fitness Videos
- Yoga with Adriene
- FREE Power Yoga classes are streamed @ 6am, 9:30 a, noon, 4:30, 6 pm and 8:30 pm
- Bring Dance into your Home
- Food Fit exercise videos
- Care for postural misalignment
- No gym? No park? No problem!
Seniors Exercise
- Gentle fitness, seated exercise, yoga and Zumba with the Alzheimer Society Toronto (registration required)
- Dancing With Parkinson's has recently started to offer free live dance classes through Zoom seven days a week at 11am. Please click on the link for more information.
- Eldergym Senior Fitness at-home fitness and balance exercises
- 7 Strength, Balance, and Flexibility Exercises for Older Adults from Go4Life
- At home wellness and exercise videos by Active Aging Canada
- A link to Diabetes Canada with information on covid-19 and diabetes
- Resistance exercise for managing diabetes
- General advice by dietitians of Canada in the pandemic
- Label reading: During the pandemic, people are more focused on packaged or frozen meals and less of fresh foods. This makes the topic of label reading more important than before. The last video focuses on carbohydrates on labels.
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